In the week since David Bowie’s death on January 10th, fans have flocked to Sound Leisure jukeboxes to hear his songs.

Bowie has always been a popular artist on VHub jukeboxes, however, his shock death at just 69 years of age has moved him up about 30 places in the most-played list.

Fans have requested Bowie tracks on online connected VHubs over 11,000 times in the past week, leaving other popular artists such as Justin Bieber and Adele in the shade.

“We get on average 19,635 track plays per day, which is about 7,166,775 track plays per year on our VHub jukeboxes,” says Mike Black of Sound Leisure. “However, over 85 per cent of the tracks chosen tend to be chart or new releases. Therefore, it is particularly unusual to have the top three Bowie tracks; Heroes, Life on Mars and Starman dating back to the 1970s. It just goes to show what a great star he was, and how well loved by the British public